Honors & Awards | Taiwan Laser Processing Services & Laser Engraving Machines Manufacturer | Hortech Co.

Hortech Company was awarded the 2021 Best 10 Startup by the Taiwan ITRI New Venture Association | Self-developed, patented precision laser systems and machines, optimal processes, integrated laser and optic-mechatronic technologies.

Hortech Company was awarded the 2021 Best 10 Startup by the Taiwan ITRI New Venture Association

Honors & Awards

Hortech's Achievements

Hortech Company has won the following awards:

(1) 2021 Best 10 Startup, the Taiwan ITRI New Venture Association (TINVA);

(2) 2021 Excellence Award, Industry-Academia Cooperation Outcomes, the Ministry of Science and Technology (the former National Science and Technology Council), Taiwan, R.O.C. Program title: Development of a diffraction-refraction type of scanning laser ablation optical head applied in the deep-etching process;

(3) 2019 Extra-excellence Award, Industry-Academia Cooperation Outcomes, Poster Presentation, the Ministry of Science and Technology (the former National Science and Technology Council), Taiwan, R.O.C. Program title: Development of hybrid refraction/diffraction optical head for infrared pulse-laser ablation;

(4) 2018 Small Business Innovation Research, the Hsinchu City Government, Taiwan, R.O.C.;

(5) 2018 Extra-excellence Award, Industry-Academia Cooperation Outcomes, Poster Presentation, the Ministry of Science and Technology (the former National Science and Technology Council), Taiwan, R.O.C. Program title: Diffractive type of optical head with a long focal depth for ultraviolet pulse-laser ablation.

Dr. Owen Chun Hao Li (Founder of Hortech Company) has served as:

(1) Distinguished Alumni, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, March 22, 2025

(2) Members' Representative in the 30th Members' Representative Assembly, Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry, November 2023 - November 2026;

(3) The 14th Director, the Allied Association for Science Park Industry, Aug. 22, 2023 - May 24, 2026;

(4) Director & Convener, Business Marketing Committee, the Allied Association for Science Park Industry, Aug. 22, 2023 - Aug. 22, 2026;

(5) The advisory committee member of the Engineering & Technology Education Certification, Graduate Institute of Automation and Control, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Aug. 01, 2022 - July 31, 2024;

(6) Guest expert for "Semiconductor materials application practices", Department of Optoelectronics & Materials Engineering, Chung Hua University, Aug. 01, 2022 - July 31, 2023;

(7) Supervisor, the 5th Taiwan Laser Technology Application Association (TLTAA);

(8) Councilor, Engineering & Technology Education Accreditation, Graduate Institute of Automation and Control, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Aug. 01, 2020 - July 31, 2022;

(9) Director, the Alumni Association, Graduate Institute of Automation and Control, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, April 2018 - March 2022, April 01, 2018 - March 31, 2020;

(10) Member of the 10th Market Information Council, the Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA), July 2019 - June 2022;

(11) Co-instructor of practices, Department of Optoelectronics & Materials Engineering, Chun Hua University, 2nd semester, 2020;

(12) Gave a speech at the 13th Asia (Shenzhen) International Laser Intelligent Manufacturing Fair, May 08, 2019;

(13) Instructor of practice, the Higher Education SPROUT Project, National Taipei University of Technology, 2nd semester, 2019;

(14) Outstanding alumni, Graduate Institute of Automation and Control, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, March 25, 2017; and

(15) 1st ranked instructor, Excellent research performance, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, China University of Science and Technology.

Honors & Awards | Taiwan Laser Processing Services & Laser Engraving Machines Manufacturer | Hortech Co.

Located in Taiwan since 2006, Hortech Company has been a manufacturer providing precision laser processing services and custom designed machines. Its core techniques include: laser micro-etching, micro-drilling, micro-cutting, and laser engraving. It has successfully developed products for diverse industries, including optical scales for factory automation and robotics, superfine reticles for the defense industry, and wafer dicing and drilling for the semiconductor industry. Hortech's laser OEM/ODM services have served industrial partners from around the world.

Hortech Company was established by Dr. Owen Chun Hao Li in 2016. It has developed a laser marking system used for the traceability of medical circuit boards for a Taiwanese circuit manufacturer in 2018. It has developed the triple wavelength laser combined machining system for a Singapore manufacturer in 2017. It produced different types of magnetic and optical scales with high accuracy for encoders and actuators since 2019. Hortech kept upgrading its laser machines and expanding its services to different regions. Its rigorous quality control processes ensures its clients' needs are satisfied.

Hortech Co. has been offering customers ultra-precision laser machining services and laser CNC machines since 2006, both with advanced technology and 27 years of experiences, Hortech Co. ensures each customer's demands are met.